27. 11. 2018

Shaping the future with heroal systems

As an integrated system provider for building shells, heroal will focus its presentation at BAU 2019 on new products from the areas of windows, doors, curtain walls and sun protection. These system solutions for fabricators, planners, architects and consumers have been specially developed for building projects in private and commercial construction where tomorrow is already being considered today. For heroal, therefore, the trade fair motto “SIMPLY BETTER. FUTURE.” will be at the heart of their BAU appearance.

SIMPLY BETTER. FUTURE. – heroal’s motto for BAU 2019.
heroal_Architektenhaus_Le Corbusier_Haustür_Milieu aussen
heroal_Architektenhaus_Le Corbusier_Haustür_Milieu innen
Querschnitt heroal IB Unique + heroal W 77
heroal IB Unique