Company history

The origins

When Johann Henkenjohann, the grandson of the company’s founder, joins the family business, the company’s focus changes. Driven by his inventive spirit, Johann Henkenjohann dedicates himself to the manufacture and development of new products – from furniture feet to roller shutters. By his side is his wife Gerda Henkenjohann, who takes care of all office administration, while her husband can be found in the production area most of the time, always tinkering with new ideas.

The invention of the foam-filled roller shutter slat

The quality of roller shutters made from wood or plastic does no longer meet Johann Henkenjohann’s expectations, which is why he makes a permanent change to aluminium. He uses painted aluminium strips to produce the first single-walled aluminium roller shutter profiles in a roll-forming process. When he develops the first double-walled aluminium roller shutter slat, some industry representatives are very sceptical. But this does not put off Johann Henkenjohann. He fills the aluminium slat with foam and, with this product, revolutionises the roller shutter market. The customers are enthusiastic about the innovative roller shutter slats, and the demand is enormous.

heroal on a growth curve

The success of the foam-filled, double-walled aluminium roller shutter slat is the spark for growth in all company sectors: heroal becomes known not only in the region, but also nationally and internationally. The product portfolio is gradually expanded with window, door, sliding and curtain wall systems. heroal also develops its own surface coating facilities. As the company grows, the administrative building is extended and the production and storage capacities are gradually expanded.

Passion for perfect engineering

Johann Henkenjohann’s innovative spirit shapes the development of the company heroal to this day. In addition to the claim to offer customers consistently high quality “Made in Germany“, the constant further development of heroal aluminium systems, the expansion of the product portfolio and the use of innovative technologies are decisive in order to meet customer needs and anticipate changing requirements of the market. With the opening of branch offices in the US, the Netherlands and France, heroal sets an additional focus on the comprehensive support for international partner businesses and on-site consulting.

Towards a digital and sustainable future

Dr Max Schöne, member of the Management Board, is the fifth generation to lead the company. In addition to the spirit of innovation, today’s objectives are digitalisation, CO2 footprints, recyclable products and our social responsibility. As a family company geared to the future, we think in generations. We know the growing expectations and requirements and offer sustainable, flexible and individual solutions. We constantly enhance our aluminium systems, expand business sectors and support our partner businesses world-wide with our versatile services. With targeted activities, we actively shape our future – and constantly changing markets create new opportunities for us.

Our heroal Promise: Manufactured in Germany, Fabricated in North America

One of the most important things in life is the freedom to choose – and heroal fully supports this. As a family-run company with 150 years of experience, we strongly believe that you should never compromise on quality. With the extensive range of heroal products, there is no shortage of optimal solutions that meet all demands. As leaders in technology, quality for us means better efficiency, better reliability, and better performance and therefore solutions that are “SIMPLY BETTER”.

After over 30 years of fostering business relations with the US, heroal is now fully represented in the United States of America. Since 2015, heroal has provided complete support and a fully qualified on-site team as well as a dedicated service team at our customer’s disposal. The same values are of utmost importance to both our German and our American organizations: quality engineering, premium innovation, and flawless service. Your local team is ready when you are!

  • Over 3,500 specialist partners worldwide
  • Products of certified quality
  • Family-run company with a long tradition
  • Made in Germany
  • Fabricated in North America
  • Individual design
  • Comprehensive range of services
  • Best technical solutions