Fly screens for windows and doors

Protect your home from unwanted insects such as flies, mosquitoes and wasps with an fly screen, tenter frame, pleated blinds or a sliding system.

Fly screen

Optimum insect protection for windows, doors and light and cellar shafts

What makes heroal fly screens so special?

Easy installation

Whether as an integrated fly screen in the roller shutter box or a retrofitted element, heroal fly screens stand out for their modular design, providing simple, economical installation and a high degree of user-friendliness.

Flexible use

heroal fly screens are available as tenter frames, retractable fly screens and pleats. They are made to measure according to your individual needs, which makes them for almost any window, door or light and cellar shaft cover.

Increased quality of living

heroal fly screen products offer maximum transparency and air permeability with particularly high weather resistance. That makes your fly screen nearly invisible and provides a fresh indoor climate – all while keeping your living space free of insects.

Fly screens from A to Z

Our fly screen solutions

Fly screens for windows

Retractable fly screens

heroal retractable fly screens can be retrofitted or integrated into the roller shutter box. When retrofitting, the small fly screen box is simply placed in front of the window, which allows it to be retrofitted to almost any window. An integrated brake ensures that the retractable fly screen retracts softly – this protects your fly screen product and makes operation convenient and virtually noiseless.

Fly screen tenter frame

The heroal fly screen tenter frame stands out for its simple no-drilling installation and various application possibilities in windows and doors. heroal tenter frames can be installed in just a few easy steps. A large selection of different wind-permeable fabric types provides a variety of colour options and possible sizes for a wide variety of windows.

Fly screens for doors

Fly screen swivel frame and swing door

The heroal fly screen swivel frame and the fly screen swing door are a robust and long-lasting choice for anyone who frequently opens and closes their windows or doors. Depending on requirements, the swivel frame is available with internal or external opening. The fly screen swing door also offers maximum flexibility for your patio and balcony door, even when you have no free hands. It opens noiselessly inwards and outwards and closes automatically.

Fly screen sliding systems

Fly screen sliding systems by heroal can be easily installed onto your patio or balcony door. They are the insect protection solution for large sliding doors or patio and balcony door openings. The low-noise operation, ease of use and low maintenance, as well as a variety of design options offer you maximum comfort and effective protection against all types of insects.

Pleated fly screen

Pleated fly screens are particularly space-saving and offer a wide range of applications for your doors. The pleating (folding) of the robust fabric offers a long lifespan, convenient operation and easy maintenance. heroal pleated fly screens with vertical folding are ideal for use in any patio or balcony door, even for particularly large sliding doors. Pleated fly screens are available in a wide range of sizes and colours.

Light and cellar shaft covers

heroal light and cellar shaft covers are suitable for any application because they are tailor-made to your requirements. Due to their robustness, heroal fly screens for your light and cellar shaft covers are highly tread-resistant and break-resistant. They also provide effective protection against insects and leaves for your cellar or hobby room.

Custom fly screens

The right fly screen fabric

heroal IS Classic
  • PVC-coated fibreglass fabric
  • standard installation situations
  • grey

heroal IS Light
  • PVC-coated fibreglass fabric
  • improved light and air permeability
  • coal grey

heroal IS Advantage
  • PVc-coated fibreglass fabric
  • particularly transparent and transcluent
  • coal grey

heroal IS PET
  • PVC-coated polyester fabric
  • high durable
  • suitable for pets
  • coal grey

heroal IS Clear
  • PVC-coated polyester fabric
  • protection against pollen
  • for people who suffer from allergies
  • coal grey

heroal IS Stainless
  • stainless steel mesh
  • particularly corrosion resistant
  • suitable for hygienic areas
  • stainless steel

The advantages of heroal fly screens at aglance

heroal fly screens stand out for their effective protection against pollen and insects for your windows and their high degree of flexibility. See for yourself. We would be happy to show you the high quality, design diversity and functional possibilities of heroal fly screen products. Give us a call, visit our specialist partners and find your garage door inspiration.

Brochure fly screens >

  • pollen and dust protection for allergy sufferers
  • also available with pet protection
  • robust and durable
  • easy operation and maintenance
  • increased living quality and a fresh indoor climate
  • fast and easy installation by our specialist aprtners

Your advantages with heroal

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Further reading for your interest

The heroal promise

When it comes to how we live and work, the most important thing is having choices. heroal knows that. As a family-run company with 150 years of experience, we believe that when it comes to quality, there are no compromises. That is why our products give you a way to create ideal solutions for nearly any requirement. As a technology leader, we believe that quality means more efficiency, more reliability and more performance – solutions that are "SIMPLY. BETTER."

  • over 3,500 specialist partners worldwide
  • products with tested quality
  • family-run company with a long tradition
  • made in Germany
  • personalised design
  • comprehensive range of services
  • superior technical solutions