Passive house windows

Aluminium windows from heroal are real energy savers and are therefore certified by the Passive House Institute Dr. Feist for passive houses.

Passive house windows

Certified passive house windows as energy savers

What’s so special about heroal passive house windows?

Very low design depth

The window system heroal W 77 PH stands out for its excellent thermal insulation features, while at the same time offering a very slim design depth of only 77 mm. In addition, it has been granted passive house certification by the independent institute PHA (Passive House Institute Dr Wolfgang Feist).

100 % foam filled

The foam filling process developed by heroal ensures that the insulating chamber is 100 % filled with PU foam. Because of this, ideal heat insulation values can be achieved, even with slim frame widths.

Insulating strip geometry

The innovative geometry of the insulating strips reduces the flow of energy and conduction of heat. With a profile design depth of only 77 mm, heroal windows achieve U-values meeting passive house standards.

Components of heroal passive house windows

heroal's own profile composite

heroal's own profile composite - heroal is the only company producing thermally insulated aluminium-PVC-composite profiles under external monitoring (ift Rosenheim, testing institute).

Modular composition of sealing zones

Modular composition of sealing zones - Thanks to the modular composition of sealing zones, individual customer requirements become possible - from high thermal insulation to passive house suitability.

Optimised isothermal curves

Optimised isothermal curves - Due to optimised isothermal curves, the thermal conductivity via the edges of the sealed glass pane is considerably reduced.

Low-E glass

Low-E glass - To make sure that valuable thermal energy is not lost via the glass pane, our specialised partners will be pleased to give advice on the suitable insulating glass for your requirements. Depending on the required thermal insulation, coated Low-E glazing or triple glazing may be used.

heroal foam-filling process

heroal foam-filling process - In their modular insulation areas, heroal aluminium composite profiles are filled with PU-foams. The special process developed by heroal ensures that the insulation chambers are 100 % foam-filled, which leads to a better thermal insulation than other processes.

Patented insulating strip technology

Patented insulating strip technology - heroal's innovative insulating strip technology combines high capacity with minimal loss of heat. The geometry of the insulating strips reduces the energy flow and thus also reduces heat conductivity significantly, exceeding the current requirements of EnEV, the German energy saving regulation, by far.

heroal passive house windows at a glance

Passive house certification by the Dr. Feist Passive House Institute

heroal passive house windows are certified by the Dr. Wolfgang Feist Passive House Institute. As an independent body, the Institute tests and certifies products for their passive house efficiency levels. The Institute tests all products according to uniform criteria, which ensures that they can be accurately compared.

The passive house window heroal W 77 PH achieves a Uf value of 0.78 W/m²K and a Uw value of 0.79 W/m²K with an installation depth of 77 mm and a face width of 180 mm, which makes it passive-house certified – tested by the Dr. Feist Passive House Institute (Uf value ≤ 0.80; Uw value ≤ 0.80). If you would like to have a narrower face width, the heroal W 77 PH can achieve a passive house Uf value of 0.80 W/m²K even with a face width of 120 mm.


Advantages of heroal passive house windows

With heroal passive house windows, you can be sure of the highest energy efficiency. Innovative technologies make it possible to achieve small construction depths and narrow face widths with superior U-values.

  • passive house certified
  • modular insulation zone structure
  • optimized isothermal progression
  • patented thermal break technology

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Further reading for your interest

Your advantages with heroal

The heroal promise

When it comes to how we live and work, the most important thing is having choices. heroal knows that. As a family-run company with 150 years of experience, we believe that when it comes to quality, there are no compromises. That is why our products give you a way to create ideal solutions for nearly any requirement. As a technology leader, we believe that quality means more efficiency, more reliability and more performance – solutions that are "SIMPLY. BETTER."

  • over 3,500 specialist partners worldwide
  • products with tested quality
  • family-run company with a long tradition
  • made in Germany
  • personalised design
  • comprehensive range of services
  • superior technical solutions